30th May Thursday Evening

Someone needs to remind the weather gods it’s suppose to be summer….

It was a very gloomy evening at Gorleston, very overcast, very grey clouds, rain and the wind was howling thro the rigging of the boats in the dinghy park. The temperature was barely in double figures, it could easily have been another Bank Holiday !

Needless to say several regulars opted to stay home. Some who did venture down then opted to stay ashore and drink coffee.

Despite the F4, the sea was surprisingly flat and eventually the rain stopped. Four hardy sailors did venture out, three Lasers and a Streaker. Chris managed to find his Radial sail and rig which he had for 10 years and as yet not used.

As it turned out it was quite a good sail with only a couple of capsizes.

The race team managed to squeeze in three races. It was a good evening for the two Laser 4.7’s, Ellie winning all three.  Adam managed to separate them in race one with a second place but it was a 1,2 for Ellie and Harry in the second and third races.

Hats off to the race team of Richard and Michael who must have been a bit chilly sitting in the RIB.

Thanks to all who helped on ‘shore duty’ when the boats came ashore, many hands make light work.

Thankfully the forecast for Sunday looks  quite nice.

Full results are on the club web site


Videos of Start 2 & 3 on the club Flickr site
