26th May Spring Series

It was a typical Bank Holiday day when we arrived at the club. Overcast skies and raining. There wasn’t a lot of enthusiasm to rig the boats and go sailing. However, having spent a little time mulling over the alternatives it stopped raining and brightened up. Phil promised the forecast for the day was good so we dispersed to make ready. Nine boats were rigged and ready to launch, by which time the clouds had begun to disperse. There was a good F3 from the SE and the flood tide was still present.

James, winner of race one

Race 1- Richard and Robyn (RS400) led the fleet after lap one, unfortunately a spinnaker situation resulted in a retirement in order to sort it out. This left Adam & Jordan (RS400) to take the lead which they held to the finish with James N finishing just over a minute later.

Dave was the next casualty when a traveller fitting broke on his Laser Radial, a quick trip to shore and ‘borrowing’ a spare fitting from another Laser allowed him to join the rest of the races.

Dave, winner of race two

Race 2 – Still a little flood tide but not much. Steve was now adapting to the conditions in the Unit, leading from start to finish. The two 400’s were only a few seconds apart throughout the race with Richard & Robyn crossing the line just two seconds ahead. James N had a good first lap being only a short distance behind the two 400’s, unfortunately on the second beat his tiller parted company with the rudder resulting in lost time replacing it.

RS400’s playing cat and mouse

Race 3 – more or less slack tide although the ebb started to kick in by the end of the race. The wind eased a bit during the race although it was to return later. The 400’s and Unit pulled away from the rest of the fleet and gained an extra lap. James N led the rest of the pack finishing over two minutes ahead of the next boat.

Steve, winner of race three

By the time the race had finished the wind had built to a good F3 and there were a few white horses. Returning to shore proved an exercise in seamanship but made easier thanks to Phil and Darell who were waiting on shore to assist.

For the third time in a row we had three different race winners once the results were calculated,  with James winning the first race, Dave the second and Steve the third.

Thanks to the Race team of Rosie, Bethany, Richard & Steve who provided a great course allowing a good days sailing.

Full results are on the club web site http://www.gygsc.org.uk/Results/2024/2024Spring.htm

The race team took some pictures which are on the club Flickr site
