6th June Thursday Evening

What a contrast to last Thursday evening’s grim weather. The sun made an occasional appearance, the temperature now in mid teens and there was a F2-3 from the SE as we made ready to launch. Phil even put his trapeze harness on hoping to use the full potential of the Contender!

We were joined by Nico & Luna from France. They have been sailing on the Spanish galleon ‘Galeon Andalucia’ which is currently docked in Great Yarmouth. They first joined Phil on the RIB, helping out on race duty before boarding smaller craft to what they have been use to in the form of a RS Vareo and RS400 for a rather sedate sail.

A warm welome to our visitors

Everyone was keen to get sailing and by half six the RIB was launched and boats were beginning to get on the water. Unfortunately by this time the wind had eased to a F1-2. Once again racing started before seven, well done Phil. Another single hander dominated fleet with Richard & Ed, aka Team Brown, sailing a RS400 representing the two-man fleet. Needless to say it was the 400 which led the fleet around the windward leeward course in each race.

Race one start

Race one – After lap one Team Brown led with Adam (Streaker) and Richard (Vareo) the next to cross the gate. The wind eased a tad for lap two, Team Brown increased their lead to nearly two minutes, Adam crossing the line next with Dave (Vareo) third, recovering from a poor start, managing to get into irons just before the gun.

Race two start

Race two- Team Brown guided the fleet round the course, after lap one Dave was second with Harry (Laser Radial) next. On the second lap Harry and Adam spent most of the final run to the line neck and neck with Harry just holding on to cross the line a few seconds ahead.

Race three start

Race three- a tad more wind, and only a small tad ! Team Brown moved up a gear building up a three minute lead at the finish.  Dave, now sailing a Streaker crossed the line in second closely followed by Adam, now in a Vareo and Chris (Laser) finishing four seconds ahead of Harry.

Another week of three races and three different winners which demonstrates the closeness of the racing, with Adam winning race one, Harry race two and Dave race three.

Needlessly to say Phil never got to use his trapeze harness .

Heading home

Thanks to the race team for a pleasant if leisurely sail.  We wish Nico & Luna a good and safe trip next week when they continue their journey aboard the Andalucia, which they first started in April and now head  back across the North Sea to the Netherlands.

Full results are on the club web site


Pictures on the club Flickr site, thanks to the photographers, both offshore and onshore.
