A small but keen group rigged their boats determined to sail. Once again all boats were singlehanders with four classes represented, D-One, Phantom, Solution and Laser Radial. The light breeze continued long enough to provide two races, although as the fleet were considering a third the wind had began to drop so heading back to the clubhouse seemed to be the better choice.

Race 1
Richard, sailing his Solution was the runaway winner in race one being first over the line and winning by over four minutes on corrected time. The next three places were much closer with Phil (Phantom) just beating Harry, who had opted for a Laser Radial rather than his Topper.

Race 2
Phil led the fleet in race two, crossing the line just ahead of Richard. However, Harry was close behind and won on corrected time with Richard second.
Thanks to Lorna and Michael for volunteering to be OOD’s for the evening and to Hugh for the ‘pulling’ power up the beach at the end of the evening.
Results are on the club site http://www.gygsc.org.uk/Results/2023/2023Thursday.htm
Michael doubled up as official photographer for the evening taking a few pictures which are now on the club Flickr site