9th July – Summer series Act3

It was a bright start to the day for Act 3 of the Summer series. The F2 wind was from the west, contrary to the forecasted SW-erly. However, during the racing the wind was to vary in both direction and strength resulting in a testing day for both sailors and the race team. The small fleet of four local boats were joined by three visitors sailing Solutions and a Vareo.

Race one – after lap one Nick F (Phantom) and Dave (Vareo) led the fleet with Paul (Solution) close behind. However, on lap two the forecasted SWerly kicked in which meant a rather one sided beat. On the final lap Dave led across the line with Nick F ahead of Paul, Dave winning on corrected time, Paul second and Steve ( Europe) third.

Race two – by the start of the race it had become overcast and the grey clouds would bring some showers during the racing. The race team adjusted the course for the now SW wind. However, the wind once again shifted, this time to the South after the first beat.  The four leading boats, the two Vareo’s, the Phantom and Paul opened up a good lead on the others and were rewarded with an extra lap. The course clearly suited the Vareo’s with Dave taking first and Nick C second. Paul remained close enough behind Nick F to finish third on corrected time by just over twenty seconds.

Race 3 – required another course adjustment by the race team. The wind was varying between a F1 and F2 but remianed steady in direction providing three beats. The Phantom led to the windward mark but the Vareo’s took the lead downwind. Both held the lead at some point but Dave led across the line with Nick C just six seconds behind. Although Nick F was next to finish Steve took third on corrected time.

Thanks to the race team who had a frustrating day resulting in a lot of mark moving.

Results are on the club site http://www.gygsc.org.uk/Results/2023/2023Summer.htm