Spring Series Act 2

In contrast to last week the day started with dark grey skies and a chilly NE’erly F3-4 wind with temperatures in single figures.

The tide had just started to ebb for the first race. Phil, sailing his RS700 bravely started on port but timing is everything and he just crossed the fleet and soon opened up a good lead on the others and was awarded a bonus lap’. The fleet split up the first windward leg with neither side showing a clear advantage at this point. On lap two it started to drizzle, thankfully this was short lived. ‘El Commode’ in his Phantom led the RS400 of Team Brown for the first lap, this was reversed on the second lap and again on the final lap with the Phantom crossing the line first after a delayed spinnaker drop in the RS400!  On corrected time Steve, in his smart new Europe claimed honours by a few seconds from El Commode.

Not many people using their beach huts !

Just before the start of race two the wind eased and swung to the East resulting in a one side beat. Curtis, sailing the club Phantom, timed the start best to take an early lead.  With the wind stabilising from the East the race team shortened the race to one lap. With the tide now picking up the long run back to the finish favoured the spinnaker boats and Team Brown leading the fleet to claim both line honours and the win on corrected time, just beating Curtis.

Lining up for the start

The change of wind direction brought with it a change in conditions with the cloud clearing and the temperature noticeably warmer, although the wind had eased to a F2.  Once the race team have moved the windward mark race three got underway. With the tide now in full flow most of the fleet ventured offshore up the beat. After the first lap the Phil (RS700), Team Brown (RS400) and El Commode had opened up a good lead on the rest of the fleet.  Behind, the Europe, David in his Solution and Phil sailing his Contender had a race long battle with just a few seconds between them.  Team Brown were enjoying the conditions taking another win, beating the Phantom of El Commode..

David times the start to perfection

By popular demand it was decided to have another race. David, sailing his Solution got his best start of the day crossing the line first and leading for a short while. However, the wind dropped just after the first lap resulting in long downwind legs against the tide. Steve managed to keep the Europe going and was never far behind and recorded a clear win on corrected time, with El Commode claiming another second.

Full results here