The Thursday Evening series got underway with a pleasant F2-F3 breeze and a somewhat chilly N – NNE wind.

In race one everyone decided to keep close to the shore beating up to the windward mark as there was still a trickle of flood water. After the first lap Phil and Lorna (400) led the small fleet followed by Richard in his newly acquired Solution. At the finish Phil and Lorna maintained their lead but close behind was Richard and Ed in his Laser with Richard claiming the win by 11 seconds from Ed on corrected time.
Race 2 saw Phil & Lorna and Richard again electing to stick to the shore however Ed, who had been last to cross the line decided to go offshore where there appeared more wind. For some time this option appeared to be paying but as the boats neared the mark Ed lost out leaving the other two to cross in front and round the windwark mark just in front. At this point we were joined by Pavel and Kristof in the Sprint 15 who having been held up and so missing the start decided to test their night time navigational skills sailing down to Hopton and back! Anyway, back to the racing, after the first lap Phil & Lorna had opened up a small lead on Richard which they extended on the last lap. However, on corrected time Richard won from Phil & Lorna by just under half a minute. We then all headed ashore for pie and beans and discussions on the local elections mainly brought about by the fact Ed had to nip off and vote before having his pie!