Open Day 27th May

Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite you to a number of events this summer

Monday 27th May – Bank holiday open Day. – Start time 10:30
Come with or without your boat, and experience the joys of clean wind and open spaces, GYGSC – members will be available to offer an introduction to the Sea sailing experience.

Sunday 9th June Britannia Pier Race. – Start Time 10:30
We also have a Training Day on Saturday 8th June so why not stay for the whole weekend?

 Beach Regatta 2019

Thursday 20th June – Thursday Evening Regatta – Start time 7pm
This is likely to be 2/3 races over a shorter inshore course than Sundays and with usually lighter evening winds a great opportunity to race on the sea. The evening sailing tends to attract more single handers especially Lasers than the larger weekend courses.

Saturday 22nd June Beach Regatta. – Start time 13:00 Briefing 12:00

Sunday 23rd June Beach Regatta. – Start Time 10:30
This is our main open event of the year there will be 3 back to back races each day.
If guests would like to leave their boats on site for the Week this should not be a problem.

Sunday 4th August – Lowestoft passage Race. – Start time 10:30
The planned race is to Lowestoft and back depending on favourable conditions

Directions to GYGSC can be found at Location

Post Code  – NR31 6PL

Any Questions just email us –

Please feel free to display the attached poster wherever you can………..