May 12th Spring series

Everyone was looking forward to a lovely day on the water, the forecast was good, clear blue skies and temperature in high teens. However, the wind had other ideas and despite periods of a F2 breeze from the SE, there were longer periods of little or no wind.

The periods of little wind seemed to coincide with us approaching the offshore mark, i.e. in the strongest tide which made progress very, very slow. Patience and a prayer to the appropriate deity was the order of the day.

‘Racing’ about to commence

Eight boats started the day but only three had the stamina for the third race.

The single handers continued to take top honours, this week Nick, sailing his Phantom taking three bullets. Adam and Jordan, sailing a RS400 were the best of the rest taking three seconds.

Thanks to the race team for their patience.

Results are on the club web site

‘Action shots’ on the club Flickr site

Phil in full race mode