It’s official, Summer has arrived

This week saw the start of the summer series and the weather matched the season with a warm F3-4 SE’erly breeze. 12 boats launched with two electing to spent the day blasting around. Race one started just as the tide started to ebb and with the sea relatively flat. The race team set a slightly port bias line with Dave & John (RS400) nearly succeeding doing a port hand flyer only to be thwarted by Richard & Carol (RS400). Everyone elected to stick inshore up the beat with Chris (D-One) first round the windward mark closely followed by the rest of the pack. On gybing Chris managed to get a perfectly formed hour glass in his spinnaker which he was unable to remove so headed inshore. After two laps Richard & Carol and Dave & John rounded the gate together closely followed by Phil (Contender) with Phil & Lorna (RS400) and Steve (D-One) just a few seconds apart. Just three seconds separated the first three boats as they crossed the line with Richard & Carol claiming line honours with Phil next but first on corrected time. Anna & Keith (RS500) suffered a ‘Gnav’ failure on the final lap which also damaged their mast causing them to head for shore.
By now the tide had picked up a bit and with it the sea state, making it more challenging. The cauldron was now living up to it’s name, what a difference a day makes !  Several boats headed for shore which soon become the popular move and so we headed in for an early lunch in the sun on the prom. Thanks for the race team for a great days sailing.

Full results here…