9th May Thursday evening

Sunshine, temperature in the high teens and a F3 from the SE, conditions were looking good for a pleasant Thursday evening sail. The forecast did however suggest the wind would ease later so we eagerly got boats rigged and RIB ready in order to start on time.

Eight boats launched with the Lasers making half the fleet, with Ed and Phil sailing the two club Lasers joining Chris and Richard.

Chris leads the fleet in race one

The usual short race format was planned in order to get two races in. At the start of race one the tide had already started to flood and the wind around F2-3. Chris timed the start well and took an early lead. After the first lap the fleet was led by two lasers with Chris holding a fifteen second lead over Richard. The three asymmetrics were making slow progress downwind and were a little way behind. Chris held the lead to take both line honours and the race win. Adrian (D-One) recovered from a poor first lap, crossing the line next with Richard a few seconds behind and on corrected time was second.

The race team executed a slight course change before race two to compensate for the tide and wind. By this time the wind had dropped to a F1-2.  Adam (Streaker) won the start and led the fleet from start to finish. Initially the chasing fleet were lead by Richard and Phil & Lorna (400) but after the final lap Adrian had moved up to second on the water with Dave (Vareo) and Richard one second apart at the line.  Adam scored a comfortable win on corrected time with Richard second

Thanks to Jamie and Richard for for a pleasant evenings sail. Once ashore Chef Brown served a selection of his ‘Butchers’ pies.

Full results are on the club web site


Pictures on the club Flickr site


Phil ‘luvvin’ the Laser !!