12th September -Autumn Act 4

It was a beautiful sunny start to the day at Gorleston with a F2-3 from the NW and the sea a smooth as a broad. With many of the regular members either on holiday or attending championships the fleet was slightly reduced in numbers.

Time to launch

Race one started with a good flood tide still flowing causing a few late starts! The fleet split with some going inshore and some taking mid course route which, for a short while looked to be the best option as the wind filled in the middle of the course but unfortunately this was short lived and the inshore route proved the fastest to the windward mark. After lap one Team Ed, in a Spitfire were leading just ahead of the 505 of Tom and Angus. The wind became quite fickle for a while and on lap two Tom and Angus took the lead followed by Team Beckett in a RS400, finishing in that order, with the Spitfire third. As the rest of the fleet made their way down the final run to the line the wind shifted and increased turning the leg into a good broad reach to the line. On corrected time Team Beckett claimed victory with Richard second in his Solution (despite the fact he mistakenly put his small sail on) and Tom & Angus third.

Tom & Angus head upwind

After a quick adjustment to the course (Thanks Jamie & Pawel) race two got underway. Team Ed quickly established a big lead eventually lapping all bar ’Quick Phil’, who led the chasing pack.

The wind was now a good F3 from the NNE making for a much better sail with the asymmetrics planning off wind. Team Ed earned an extra lap for being so quick with Phil in his Contender a clear second across the line and easily winning on corrected time with Team Ed second and Team Beckett third.

Team Ed prepare to the beat

It was almost slack water at the start of race three and the wind now a F3-4, with a few white horses (ponies really!) . Richard was no longing complaining about his sail choice ! The Spitfire once again shot into the lead and after three laps had a comfortable lead however, on the final lap helm, ‘Old Ed’ had an untimely dunking when the hook on his trapeze harness broke resulting in him leaving the boat in the sole charge of ‘Young Ed’, who was until that point enjoying his first ride in the catamaran! Although Ed managed to take the helm ultimately the cat capsized. Old Ed was about 50 metres from the boat but was eventually reunited with some help from the Safety crew. Back to the race and Phil was continuing his good form from race two and leading the fleet to the line. Second to finish was the consistent Team Beckett with Darell showing a good turn of speed in his Contender finishing third, which turned out to be how things finished on corrected time.

The Safety team were once again called upon for a rescue, this time it was only a hat which Richard lost when he and Keith capsized on their final gybe.

Quick Phil enjoying the conditions

Once again the day concluded with lunch on the prom in glorious sunshine and temperature around 20 degrees, and the good news is that the forecast looks good for next Sunday!

Several photos of the days racing on the club Flickr site.

Full results here