Thursday evening 27th June

A beautiful evening on the water.

 It had been warm and sunny all day and on arrival at the club there was a F4 from the east. This eased to a F3 by the time we launched although there were still the occasional gusts. Eight boats were rigged and ready with the RS Vareos representing 50% of the fleet. The sea was flat and the ebb tide mid flow.

Racing gets underway

With the sun still shining and the temperature still above twenty it was probably the best conditions this year on a Thursday evening.

Streaker Adam led the fleet to the finish in race one although Contender Phil almost caught up after a slow first lap with Vareo Dave a little way behind. The three other Vareos, Richard, Keith & Rob were having a close tussle until Keith pulled ahead on the final lap.

Keith under full steam

Contender Phil led the fleet in race two with Adam and Dave neck and neck. Just behind was Phantom Phil who unfortunately retired on lap two when his mainsheet strop snapped. Contender Phil crossed the line with a two minute lead over Dave, who was just one second ahead on Adam.

After lap one the other three Vareos were separated by just one minute. On lap two Richard found some extra pace to lead by three minutes over the line.

A pleasant evening on the water

It was a good night for Adam winning both races on corrected time.

Many thanks to Ed for volunteering to be OOD for the evening.

Full results are on the club web site

Pictures on the club Flickr site, thanks to the photographers, both offshore and onshore.