Peter Johnson.

It is with great sadness that I am writing to you all this evening.  Unfortunately Peter Johnson died this afternoon. As usual Peter had kindly volunteered to help when numbers were low for the committee boat duty today and shortly after coming ashore suffered from a heart attack. Despite the valiant efforts of club members, St Johns ambulance and the paramedics Peter passed away. It is comforting to know that before passing away Peter had been doing what he enjoyed most which was being on the water.

Peter has been a member of the club for more years than most people can remember. Over these years Peter has contributed massively to the club from volunteering for anything and everything to running Thursday evening racing. He was always a character around the club and will be missed by everyone. The club will not be the same without him.


Our thoughts are with Annie and Peter’s family at this difficult time.

EDP Article Here…

Phil Highfield
