Thursday evening series 1st June – Apparently it was supposed to be June but nobody told the weather gods. It was very overcast, a chilly NNE F3-4 and a lively sea state, it felt like winter.
Eight sailors discussed whether to go out or not……. one then offered to help the OOD in the RIB and two deciding a coffee in the club seemed like a better idea!
The remaining five launched, ably assisted by the two volunteer ‘Beach Masters’, who then drank coffee.

The race team managed to fit two, two lap races which provided lots of frills and several spills. Harry, sailing his Topper led the first race for a short while until Richard managed to pass in his Vareo. Chris was handling the conditions well in his Laser until his tiller extension snapped resulting in an early return to shore.

Harry managed to keep pace with the fleet in both races to win both on corrected time with Richard second and Rob, in another Vareo third.
Well done to the race team for braving the weather, they did look cold when they returned to shore. Thanks to the onshore team for getting supper ready, it was much appreciated.
Let’s hope the weather improves before we venture out again.
Results are on the club site