Despite it being the Autumn series the weather was more akin to midsummer with the temperature over 20 degrees, sunny, flat sea……but unfortunately no wind. It was also a little hazy offshore when we first arrived but this cleared quickly. Some blamed the conditions on a certain individual who manages to put a curse on conditions whenever he is part of the race team!

Hazy on arrival
With the forecast suggesting some wind later several boats were pulled round to the promenade and so started a series of false hopes as the wind picked up for a while only to disappear again.

A few unexpected visitors on the prom, with more arriving shortly after this was taken !
Despite several encouraging signs by midday it was decided to call it a day. However, as it was such a nice day many opted for some alternative water based activities, such as swimming, SUP’ing and kayaking and some beach based which ended up with just Beach Petanque. There was discussion to get the Beach Volleyball equipment out but with Phil ‘Ace’ Allison’ away, it was not to be.

Beach Petanque competition
The Petanque Contest was hotly contested and after several ends and some close calls, some of which required the use of Richards ‘Distance Measuring App’ to determine the winner, honours went to Keith who became the Beach Petanque champion, closely followed by Phil Highfield. By one o’clock the wind had indeed filled in with a pleasant F2 from the SE. Phil Harlow was the only taker to launch his boat and so become the winner of the Billy No Mates race to Hopton and back. Some did take the opportunity to have a sail in Phil’s Phantom for a sail later.

Where’s Phil !
After the activities had finished the Pizza ovens were fired up and before long Keith and the pizza team had started the production run of Pepperoni, Margherita and Goats cheese pizza’s and finishing off with some banana, chocolate and marshmellow pizza’s which ensured everyone was suitable full.
Despite the lack of sailing the day turned into a most enjoyable and sociable event.