25th August – it’s the Autumn series

It was the first Act of the Autumn series, thankfully the weather had improved over the previous few days, the temperature was up and the wind starting with a manageable F2 from the SW.

Another rarity recently was the tide assisting the beat providing some extended off wind legs for everyone. Ten boats started the day but only three finishing the final race.

RS400’s head for the leeward gate

The three RS400’s quickly led the fleet in race one. After lap one only eight seconds separated them as they rounded the leeward gate. Team Custard slowly pulled away during the next three laps. Phil & Roger led Richard & Robyn by two seconds on the penultimate lap and again on the finish line. Behind the singlehanders had their own battle with Contender Phil just ahead of Vareo Dave and Solution Paul. A boom failure on the final lap meant an early trip back ashore for Dave. Paul managing to overtake Phil on the final lap.

The wind and sea state slowly built during the day

The forecasted increase in wind turned out to be correct and with a building sea state resulted in a much depleted fleet for race two with only four starters, one of which retired. Just two seconds separated the first two RS400’s after lap one with Phil & Roger two seconds ahead of Team Custard and Richard & Robyn a few seconds further behind. Over the next three laps Phil & Roger extended their lead to forty seconds. Solution Paul flew the flag for the singlehanders finishing third.

Some returned to shore earlier than others

On corrected time there were two different race winners with Team Custard winning the first by just seven seconds and Paul the second race. Phil & Roger, sailing the club RS400 to a third and second place.

Thanks to the race team for a great but if not challenging days sailing. Special thanks to ‘young’ Ed for assisting on the RIB which was needed as at one point there were two capsizes and a ‘broken boat’ to deal with.

Full results are on the club web site

Autumn series results

Pictures on Flickr

Team Custard and Paul, todays race winners