Training Days 2014

Something new for this year, we will be running 3 training days.  A chance to improve your boat handling and race skills.


Saturday 7th June – Rigged for 10:30am

Saturday 12th July – Rigged for 10:30am

Saturday 13th September – Rigged for 10:30am

These days are open to non members as well as members of GYGSC and are free to attend.

New PY’s and Our Contribution.

Having just looked at the new PY’s on the RYA site thought following stat’s may be of interest

Below is comparison of race returns for GYGSC and the total number of races shown against each class on the RYA return.

Nearly 40% of all D-ONE race returns are from GYGSC – and with two more D-ONE’s sailing this year % may go up !

20% of all F18 race returns and 10% of RS500 race returns  are from GYGSC – not bad for a little club.

New PY List here

A big thanks to Dave for all his effort here.