May 13th Report

Light winds and grey skies were the order of the day at Gorleston, but at least it had stopped raining by the time we arrived at the club!  10 boats launched onto a very flat sea, the westerly F1-2 breeze meant a long beat towards the cliffs, but considering the direction it remained relatively stable.

David Brief sailing a Shadow was an early leader in race one but encountered a technical problem resulting in a retirement. The D-One of Chris Sallis then took the lead and held on to the finish, winning by a minute over the 400’s of Richard Fryer & Oliver Hunt and Richard Brown & Robyn Ollington.

Race two saw a three way battle at the front between Phil Highfield in his 700, David(Shadow) and Chris (D-One). These three built up good lead on the pursuing pack with only a few seconds between them. David won the line honours but Chris won on corrected time. The 400’s of Richard & Oliver and Richard & Robyn keep close enough to the leaders to claim second and third.

In the final race of the day Phil(700) had built a sizable lead after the first lap and was looking good for a race win however, the wind had other ideas! On what was to be the final downwind leg there were some winners and losers as the wind initially dropped. Phil(700) held onto his lead but the rest of the fleet slowly caught up. Richard & Robyn successfully located  the calmest patch on the water costing them a good finish. Nick Favell (D-One) and Keith & Anna (500) had been a little way back but a late charge to the finish when they managed to catch good pressure as the wind began to turn rapidly catching the leading pack. Chris(D-One) claimed first place, Nick(D-One) second, and Richard & Oliver third.

Thanks to Tom, Ed, Dave and John – OOD team.

Results are on the GYGSC site –  Spring Series 2018 Results

Report kindly provided by Dave Houghton


Thurs May 10th Report

The Thursday evening series got underway last night. Boats had to be walked through a film set as Danny Boyles film crew were doing some night shots, don’t think any of us will be starring in the film though.  It was a lovely evening with a steady 10 mph wind and flat sea. A small but select fleet of five boats took to the water.  The race team managed to fit in two races sailed back to back which saw a Laser battle between Tamsin and Richard with honours being shared.  Thanks to Phil and Matt (Our new and very welcome safetyboat assistant) for OOD-ing. The evening finished munching pasties in the clubhouse.

Results are on the GYGSC site –  Thursday Series 2018 Results

Report kindly provided by Dave Houghton

May 10th

Photos kindly provided by Phil Harlow

Bank Holiday Open and Regatta

Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite friends to a number of events the first on Monday 28th May.

Event Details.

Monday 28th May – Bank holiday open Day. – Start time 10:30

Come with or without you boat, and experience the joys of clean wind and open spaces, GYGSC – members will be available to offer an introduction to the Sea sailing experience.

Sunday 10th June Britannia Pier Race. – Start Time 10:30

“It’s back”, race out to Britannia Pier and back.

If guests would like to leave their boats on site until the regatta this should not be a problem.

Thursday 21st June – Thursday Evening Regatta – Start time 7pm

This is likely to be 2 races over a shorter inshore course than Sundays and with usually lighter evening winds a great opportunity to race on the sea. The evening sailing tends to attract more Single Handers especially Lasers than the larger weekend courses.

Saturday 23rd June Beach Regatta . – Start time 13:00 Briefing 12:00

Sunday 24th June Beach Regatta  – Start Time 10:30

This is our main open event of the year with 3 races back to back races each day.


Sunday 29th July – Lowestoft passage Race. – Start time 10:30

The planned race is to Lowestoft and back depending on favourable conditions

Directions to GYGSC can be found here (Club, Location)

Any Questions please contact

Please feel free to display this advert 2018 Regatta Poster

May 6th Report

Nine boats ventured onto the water on a glorious day, temperature around 20C, lots on people on the beach, film crew shooting Danny Boyles new movie, all that was missing was a decent breeze. Race One was sailed in a NE’ly F1-2 so tide dictated tactics. Thankfully the wind did increase to a F2-3 for the following three races so we did get some good sailing. Many thanks to the race team of Nick and Adrian who provided a good compact course, and a bonus race !

Results are on the GYGSC site –  Spring Series 2018 Results

Report kindly provided by Dave Houghton

May 6th

Photos kindly provided by Kevin Davidson

Photo’s from April

There are some great ones.

A Big thanks to Kevin for these photos. We have been very lucky in have Kevin available to take great photos so far around 8000 and counting

You can also check them out and download any you would like from our FLIKR page

Go to GYGSC photostream

If you would like to Download a photo please see instructions attached.

How To Downlaod a Photo from the GYGSC Flickr page 2015

April 22nd

April Ramp Laying

Start of Season 2018 Report

Start of Season 22 04 2018

After a lack of wind and thick mist last week this week saw the season begin at Gorleston in complete contrast with unbroken sunshine and a warm SE F3-4 wind, even the sea didn’t seem too cold according to the few who decided to test the temperature during racing.  Ten boats ventured onto the water comprising of RS400’s, Devoti D-One’s, RS500’s and a RS700. The race team set a large windward-leeward course which suited the all-asymmetric fleet.

In race one three boats rounded the windward mark together with Richard Fryer & Carol Smalls(400) rounding first, followed by Dave Houghton & John Symonds(400)  and Phil Highfield(700). These three were side by side as they raised their gennakers before Highfield blasted away from the 400s.

Downwind the fleet split with some opting to go inshore out of the tide, others staying offshore where the wind appeared to be stronger. At the leeward mark Highfield rounded first followed by Houghton & Symonds, who held a short lead over Fryer & Smalls and Chris Sallis(D-One), with the rest of the fleet rounding within a minute.  After three laps Houghton & Symonds crossed the line first, just ahead of Fryer & Smalls who were one second ahead on Sallis.

The racing continued to be close in race two. Although the fleet split upwind, with some opting for a smoother ride inshore and others opting the more wind but more chop offshore, at the windward mark there didn’t appear much difference in either option and only a few boat lengths separated the leading three boats. At the finishing Houghton & Symonds crossed the line just a few seconds ahead of Sallis but on corrected time Sallis won by seven seconds.

Race three saw a reduced fleet as some returned ashore, perhaps the near full on conditions proving tiring after a winter lay up!  Fryer & Smalls and Houghton & Symonds lead the fleet round but behind was a three way battle between Nick Favell(D-One), Richard Brown & Robyn Ollington(400) and Phil Harlow & Lorna Pierce(400), with only a few boat seconds between them after the first lap. Favell built up a small lead on the second lap  which he extended on the last lap to claim third place.

Report kindly provided by Dave Houghton

Start of Season Results

Race 1: 1 RS400 1350 (D Houghton & J Symonds), 2 D-One 410 (C Sallis), 3 RS400 721 (R Fryer & C Smalls)

Race 2: 1 D-One 410 (C Sallis), RS400 1350 (D Houghton & J Symonds), 3 RS400 721(R Fryer & C Smalls)

Race 3: 1 RS400 1350 (D Houghton & J Symonds), 2 RS400 721(R Fryer & C Smalls), 3 D-One 48 (N Favell)

Congratulations to Dave and  John winners of the Start of Season Trophy

Photo kindly provided by Kevin Davidson

2018 Membership – Club Rs400

Membership for the 2018 Season is now available.

GYGSC Latest Club Card available here….

2018 Membership form available here…..

Club Boats are available to hire to members of GYGSC

2 Lasers and a RS400 at the following charges

Day Member Annual Member
Cub Laser – £5 Free
RS400 – £15 £15


  1. Anyone hiring a boat will need to have an appropriate level of experience for the boat and the sailing conditions on the day.
  2. Pre-arranged hire will take priority over hire on the day so please book in advance to be sure.
  3. NON MEMBERS: Boats may be hired by non – members who are interested in becoming a regular member of the Club, perhaps to see what boat might suit you, subject to the above. A Day Membership will be required (currently £5 per person)
  4. Availability of boats is subject to the requirements of the Club such as training / open days
  5. A £50 excess is due for significant/critical damage incurred by members sailing club boats
  6. Any prospective new member who is interested in getting back into sailing and would like to discuss boats etc then please contact Phil Harlow (Commodore) email;

Club Boat Hire form available here

Great Sailing Available here.



End of season meal

Martin’s Ristorante Italiano

The season is nearing its end for another year and that means its time for the End of Season Meal and Prize Giving!   This will be slightly earlier than normal on the on the 14th October in the club house.  This avoids half term so hopefully more can make it.

Martin Browne has very kindly agreed to cook an Italian themed meal.

Its always a great night and the food is fabulous.

The cost for this unmissable evening will be around £15 a head.  We need to know who’s coming in advance, so if you haven’t already please let me or Phil Harlow know as quickly as you can.

If you have Trophies please bring then back to the club at least the week before in a polished state ready for this years winners

Hope to see you all there