Training Day Saturday 25th July

After the success of last years training days we will be running 3 training days this year.. A chance to improve your boat handling and race skills.  This is the 2nd one of the year.   See you there………


Saturday 25th July – Rigged for 10:30am

Saturday 30th September – Rigged for 10:30am

These days are open to non members as well as members of GYGSC and are free to attend.

2015 Training Poster please display where you can.

Photos from the 12th July

A good turnout turn out for this one saw around 14 boats enjoying a good breeze on large course.

A Big thanks to Kevin for these photos. We have been very lucky in have Kevin available to take great photos so far around 2000 and counting

You can also check them out and download any you would like from our FLIKR page

Go to GYGSC photostream

If you would like to Download a photo please see instructions attached.

How To Downlaod a Photo from the GYGSC Flickr page 2015


Beach Regatta Photos

Photo’s for the Beach regatta on June the 27th & 28th.

[ Sallis (Tasar)-1st;   Falat (D-One)-2nd;   Favell (Phantom)-3rd ]

A Big thanks to Kevin for these photos. We have been very lucky in have Kevin available to take great photos so far around 2000 and counting

You can also check them out and download any you would like from our FLIKR page

Go to GYGSC photostream

If you would like to Download a photo please see instructions attached.

How To Downlaod a Photo from the GYGSC Flickr page 2015


Beach Regatta Report

The D-One Eastern Championship-2015 was held at Gorleston over 27/28 June as part of the Gorleston Beach Regatta. This mixed regatta has huge history, evidenced in club correspondence with The Admiralty, who used annually to lay twelve special flagged Race-Cans in circular compass-configuration, 1½-mile diameter, around a central one;  …. those were the days …. !

D-One sailors had had over two weeks of intense lead-up training at their Grafham Open, and then their “Suntouched” Championships at Highcliffe.

Saturday’s conditions bode well initially with a reasonable wind-strength, but before the start a classic sea-breeze battle ensued, such that some competitors could not even find a way through the, ‘… Dead Zone …’, to the start-line.  Race Management got fed-up waiting and progressed a start-sequence anyway which most boats managed, though Ben Falat’s D-One only crossed many, many minutes later.   During this quasi-windward-leeward race (sausages anyway!), at one stage there were spinnakers charging towards each other on opposite legs and courses with game-o’-chicken being played as to who would leave it latest before the new wind hit them on the nose;  the lesser the number of sails carried, the better the control, so Phantoms, Laser and Tasar did well.   Gradually conditions settled and another two regular races could be held in absolutely champagne conditions;  bullets went to Chris and Angie Sallis twice in their Tasar, and to Ben Falat.   Sunday appeared to be on track for some cracking racing in a fine SW F3;  Martin Browne eagerly joined in with Sallis reverting to his D-One, however shortly after the first start the wind veered further to the west making the race extremely one sided and favouring spinnakered boats on a long open fetch back towards the ‘gate’.   D-One lead on the tighter leg alternated between Sallis & Falat for who might take a brief gust best to drive off against a strong tidal current, the meanwhile Browne was consistently keeping speed and driving low;  this latter policy paid handsomely as the front two over-stood their mark and finally Browne took 2nd place with Sallis just hanging-in-there.  In front overall, Richard Fryer and David Houghton had a dogged (reach-in-breeze & screw-in-lull ….) battle in their RS400s.   After two completed rounds of this everyone was pretty fed-up with the general non-racing and the plug was pulled;  by now any strength in breeze was starting to fail as forecast as well as some huge apparent shifts in direction.  Race management persisted for some while trying to lay any sort of course but by then most of the fleet had self-elected to head home. Eventually any hope of racng for the day was abandoned and results were governed hugely by Saturday’s efforts [ Sallis (Tasar)-1st;   Falat (D-One)-2nd;   Favell (PhatGnome)-3rd ]. Br,

the Bendy-One

Lowestoft Race Photo’s

A good turnout for the Lowestoft Race saw 13 boats including 5 Catamarans make the trip to Lowestoft,  with Kevin on the committee boat the order on the water is documented in the slideshow below. With the fist Cat Steve and Ed completing the 12 mile round trip in around an hour with Carl in his laser finished in nearer 2.

A Big thanks to Kevin for these photos. We have been very lucky in have Kevin available to take great photos so far around 2000 and counting

You can also check them out and download any you would like from our FLIKR page

Go to GYGSC photostream

If you would like to Download a photo please see instructions attached.

How To Downlaod a Photo from the GYGSC Flickr page 2015


Lowestoft Race and Regatta

Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite friends to a numbersof events the first on Sunday 21st June.

Event Details.

Sunday 21st June – Lowestoft passage Race. – Start time 10:30

The planned race is to Lowestoft and back depending on favourable conditions

Thursday 25th June – Thursday Evening Regatta – Start time 7pm

This is likely to be 2 races over a shorter inshore course than Sundays and with usually lighter evening winds a great opportunity to race on the sea. The evening sailing tends to attract more Single Handers especially Lasers than the larger weekend courses.

Saturday 27th June Beach Regatta . – Start time 13:00 Briefing 12:00

Sunday 28th June Beach Regatta – Start Time 10:30

This is our main open event of the year with 3 races back to back races each day.

Sunday 26th July Britannia Pier Race. – Start Time 10:30

“It’s back”, race out to Britannia Pier and back.

If guests would like to leave their boats on site for the Week this should not be a problem.

Directions to GYGSC can be found here (Club, Location)

Please feel free to display this advert 2015 Regatta Poster