75th Anniversary Pre-season Curry

19.45 hrs 16th March – Tamarind Indian Restaurant, Blofield

Tamarind Blofield – Norwich & Norfolk’s premier Indian restaurant

Greetings all, an opportunity to catch up with other members before the sailing starts !

We have a table booked for 19:45 hrs on the 16th March.

To start our 75th Anniversary Celebrations this year the restaurant will provide  a set meal with a wide range of dishes including meat, fish, vegetarian and vegan options, including a few things which are not normally on the menu.

The cost would be £35 a head for poppadom’s, starters and main course with rice, various breads,  and side dishes.  That includes service charge but not drinks or desserts (not that anyone would have room for desserts).   

Giyash really enjoys cooking for  this type of event and tends to push the boat out!!

Happy to cater for any special dietary requirements

The restaurant has asked if people could attend no earlier than 19.30 as they have limited seating area before the table will be ready.

We need to let the restaurant how many will be attending so click on the link below

Please let us know if your coming here……..

Also if you find yourself unable to attend having said you would please let us know, email info@gygsc.co.uk

Can you please let us know if you are coming asap so we can let the restaurant know numbers?

It would be great if Swimmers and SUP members came along as well as sailors – it is your club too!

Pre Season Curry

Social gathering for members and partners– 20.00 hrs 18th March – Tamarind Indian Restaurant, Blofield

Tamarind Blofield – Norwich & Norfolk’s premier Indian restaurant

Greetings all, an opportunity to catch up with other members before the season starts !

We have a table booked for 20.00 hrs on the 18th March.

This will be a repeat visit to the restaurant and those who attended last time will recall what a lovely evening we had.

The restaurant has asked if people could attend no earlier than 19.45 as they have limited seating area before the table will be ready.

We need to let the restaurant how many will be attending so click on the link below

Please let us know if your coming here……..

or email us at – info@gygsc.co.uk

Also if you find yourself unable to attend having said you would please let us know, email info@gygsc.co.uk

Can you please let us know if you are coming asap so we can let the restaurant know numbers?

It would be great if Swimmers and SUP members came along as well as sailors – it is your club too!


Pre-Season Curry

We are holding a social gathering for members and partners on Saturday 26 March in The Tamarind Indian restaurant in Blofield.
Adrian has booked us in for 19:30pm.


Can you please let me know if you are coming by 18 March so we can let the restaurant know numbers?

It would be great if Swimmers and SUP members came along as well as sailors – it is your club too!
If you haven’t already please let me know please by email. Secretary@gygsc.co.uk

2nd September – the Thursday Finale

By popular demand the Thursday Finale was held allowing one more evening sailing session. It was overcast but warm with a NE F2-3 breeze making for a pleasant evenings sailing.

All seven boats were singlehanders with the Lasers being the biggest fleet. 

Race One

After the first lap in race one the first four rounded the leeward gate only a few seconds apart with Joe leading the pack.  After the second and final lap Joe and Richard led across the line making it a Solution one, two finish for the Solutions however the Lasers were only a few seconds behind with Mark beating Richard by 2 seconds on corrected time.

Race Two

Race two saw the Solutions in the lead after the first lap with Richard just ahead of Joe. Rob, sailing the club Phantom was also in the mix having realised he hadn’t put any rig tension on in the first race. In the final lap Joe sneaked past Richard to take line honours and another win, with Richard in second beating Mark by 8 seconds. As they say, every second counts.

Supper time


Back onshore the evening was drawing in and Richard had come prepared with his late night boat packing tool, his son’s headlight which proved extremely useful.

With the temperature still in the high teens we decided to finish the night testing Phil’s new lighting system by having supper and beer on the prom. Many thanks to Phil and Des for arranging the nights racing, a great way to finish the seasons Thursday evening sessions. Good luck to our Solution Team of David, Joe & Richard as we welcome the Solution fleet to our club for their National Championship this coming weekend.

Full results here

Thur 29th July – Report

Joe Leading the Fleet as he did all Evening.

We arrived about 5.30 and it was still a bit windy, the forecast was for it to drop so we got the boats round once we had enough people , by the time we were on the beach and ready to launch the wind dropped off (a bit too much) but still a lovely sail, it was a lovely warm evening, young Angus done well again, Joe was on form again making the club solution fly again First over the water in both races

Thank race team as per the forecast the wind dropped, it dropped a bit to much but still a lovely sail.
Thanks Phil Alison helping us launch and waiting for us to come in !

P Harlow.

Full results here

Regatta – Day 1 Report

The Racing got underway at around 1:30pm slightly later than planned but its always good form to wait for the boat that helped everyone else launch!.  With the wind a NE F2, the locals headed along the beach to avoid the tide, Jonathan (Laser) heading more out to sea.  Richard / Robyn (Rs400) completed the first lap closely followed by Don (D-one) Jonathan a couple of minutes behind, Nick Nick (Vareo)  Richard (Laser) then Mark & Phil (Lasers) having misjudged the tide a way behind.  Richard stretched the lead enough by lap 3 to take the Win from Jonathan and Nick.

Phil Highfield had arrived to late for race 1 to join Curtis as the 2nd RS700 in race 2. 

Race2 with the wind probably a F3 soon got underway with everyone now keeping inshore for the start of the beat, Phil leading the asymmetrics to complete lap 1, Jonathan again leading the lasers but in much closer formation.  Curtis was going well in his 700 until Phil Harlow mentioned the same on 2 occasions, both resulting in a quick swim for Curtis followed by a swift recovery.  Phil pulled clear to earn the extra lap, but would finish 4th behind both guests Jonathan, Nick and Richard.

Phil – In the new club laser very kidly Donated by the family of and in memory of David Sanger.

Race 3 – The wind swung a little more Easterly and the boats got underway at the top of the tide, All the asymmetric were going well,  Nick Vareo  had the lead on corrected time at lap 1,  Jonathan closest on corrected,  Phil also going well in the 700 and again had a extra lap.  After 4 Laps it was Nick who took the win and Jonathan just pipping Phil to 2nd by 2 seconds.

One of the closest battles of the day would be between Mark and Richard in the Lasers,  today was to be Richards in all 3 encounters.

So after day one, Jonathan has the lead by just one point from Nick then Richard 2 points adrift.  Good luck to everyone tomorrow and thanks to todays Race team of Nick, Phil and Keith

Full Results so far here…………..

Fish and Chip Supper and a well deserved cuppa or glass!

Thursday Eve Regatta Report

It was a small group of regulars and a guest who were able to make the clubs Thursday Regatta. The wind (F3) from the north and tide ebbing with the course set a little offshore.  As the race 1 got underway for some,  3 craft had misjudged the tide strength and rafted up on the pin mark.  Daniel (Solution) and Phil / Lorna (Rs400) recovered well and at the end of the first lap The RS400 was in front on the water, Richard F (laser), Mark Laser and Dan (Solution) in a tight group about 30 seconds behind.  At the end of the 3rd lap It would be Richard would take the win by just 7 seconds from Mark.

Race 2 the wind had increased in strength and it wall a cleaner start for all. At the 1st mark Phil was leading in the RS400, followed by Mark, Daniel and Keith, Richard was however paying more attention and decided sail to the next mark rather than just follow the others!.  Tom was finding the extra wind a bit of handful, not surprising as it was he first trip out in a laser and after 1 capsize his tiller parted company with the rudder.  With most helms spending some time on the centre board some more than others, it would be a close finish for 3 of the lasers and solution. Mark ahead of Richard followed by Dan and Keith,  Phil finishing 5th on corrected time.

The wind then swung further to east and required Nick to move the start line further offshore. giving everyone time for a quick blast. The race soon got underway Phil opening up a commanding lead everyone else closely bunched with Rob (Phantom) in the mix. It was quite surfy downwind and in lap 2 Keith took and downwind swim, he was not he only one!!.  Dan thought he saw a blue flag and stopped racing and by the time he was away again it was between Richard and Mark for the Race and Regatta honours.  By the end of lap 3 Richard had established a 30 second lead,  Mark had a further 2 laps to make up the deficit and manged to cut it to 20 seconds at the line.  Phil and Lorna had done enough to make it a third on corrected time. 

So the Regatta honours when to Richard Foster after 2 well deserved wins, and 1 of only 2 boats to stay upright!.  Mark Second and Phil and Lorna Third.  It was great conditions and dam good fun with launching and recovery a breeze. 

A Big thanks Nick OOD and everyone for a great evening’s sailing. 

Full Results Here…….

Gorleston Ne’ Hopton Race

Following on from a hot week it seemed like everyone was heading to the beach, Gorleston was having one of the busiest days of the year as it would be for the Gorleston members.  As the ribs were pulled on to the beach disaster struck as wheel failed on the orange rib which would have to join the public and spend the day on the beach.  With a lets go sailing attitude, a brief consultation, some rearranging of safety boats and a call to Hugh GYGSC’s 4th Emergency service, we were ready to go. sailing.  It was decided to abandon the planed passage race to Hopton and sail a more local course.

Pre- Start

Race 1 – Finally got under way at 12:30 in fairly slack tide with a Light breeze and coming from the east.  Phil in his 700 leading from Richard and Ed Brown Rs400 then Don  in his D1 out for the first time this year. The Single handers and the rest of the fleet closely bunched a couple of minutes behind.  As the Race continued Phil pulled away enough to earn an extra lap but would be pipped on corrected time by Carl in the Laser then David Solution just ahead of Nick Phantom and Richard and Ed in 5th.

Race 2 – The wind was just picking up and had swung a tad more to the south, Roger guest helm in the RS500 was keen to start, so keen he got to do it twice in the one race.  Phil 700 was just managing to wire both up and down the course with the rest of the asymmetric still soaking downwind   The extra wind meant it was 4 laps for the fleet with Phil managing to Lap about half the boats on his 5th lap.  It was enough for Phil to take the win from Carl in his laser and with David missing Race 2  it was Nick thenthe Browns in 3rd and 4th.

Race 3 – Required a mark move as the wind swung further south and with the tide now Ebbing the Sea was getting a little lumpy.  The hoped for the Sea breeze never arrived and the wind strength drop a notch.  The order over the course was pretty much the same but the Laser and Solution finding the conditions less favourable.  I the middle of the pack Don and Roger were having a close battle until Don hooked a spinnaker sheet on his kicker fitting and when for an untimely swim.  Richard Foster and guest crew Daniel would have there best race of the day and after 3 laps would finish on 3rd behind Phil, the Browns then Nick and Carl.

Phil took the honours for the Day, followed by Carl and Richard and Ed. The Fleet headed back in to address the boat on the beach.  Another call to Hugh and some boat and trailer swapping and everything was soon back in the dinghy park, and it was time for Pie.

So after a great day on the water, it’s thanks the race team Steve and Darrel and with a massive thankyou to Hugh’s recovery service and a pre thank you to Phil in fabrication, it was just the traffic to deal with especially for those heading back down the acle straight and beyond. (I suspect Phil did not be take the win in that race.)

Full Results here……

See you all next week for the Regatta